Support Groups
Patients & Caregivers
Our support groups are all about hope. Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be tough, but sitting in a room filled with others, including 10-year survivors, gives you reassurance. Prostate cancer doesn’t have to bring your life to a standstill."
John Aguzino, 5-Year Alumni Tweet
Every time you walk away, you’re going to learn something, you’re going to share something with somebody, and if you can help one person, that’s I think the best thing that we can do.”
Support Group Member Tweet
Support Group Meetings
Our free monthly meetings are the 1st Wednesday of the month and are open to new patients, prostate cancer alumni, wives, partners, family members and any others who are interested in prostate cancer and treatment options. Click on the button below to see the calendar of meetings.
- Have you been diagnosed with prostate cancer and are looking to discuss treatment options?
- Want to share your prostate cancer treatment experience with others?
- Want to ask specific questions about diagnosis, treatment options, meet others in similar situations or just listen?
- New patients, survivors, wives, partners, family members and friends all welcome!
Upcoming Speakers & Topics
August, 2024
Dr. William Hartsell – Treatment options for recurrent prostate cancer after brachytherapy or radiation therapy: treatment of recurrence in the prostate.
September, 2024
Dr. Andrew Lee – The Importance of getting annual check-ups
October, 2024
Dr. Andrew Lee – Radiopharmaceuticals
Meetings are hosted at the Wellness House in Hinsdale, our partner in serving persons living with cancer.
Wellness House
131 N County Line Rd, Hinsdale, IL 60521
Please register here so we can make sure we have enough room and can contact you with any meeting changes.

If you would like to join via Zoom, you need to register separately so an invite/link can be sent to you. Please click the button below to sign up for zoom access.
Updates are also posted on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ProstateCancerFoundationChicago/.
For more information, contact Kelly O’Brien, the PCFC Executive Director at 630.248.0717. PCFC is also available to provide prostate cancer wellness educational presentations for your employee wellness program or at meetings of your community, church, or other organization.
Why Attend a Support Group?
Why attend a support group meeting? A recent Canadian study of the value of prostate cancer support groups demonstrated preliminary data when primary care physicians were positive about patient support groups, their referred patients, in turn, had positive experiences. Previous research on support groups cited reassurance, reduced anxiety, improved positive outlook and the perception of being more involved in treatment decisions. The recent study found face-to-face support group attendance could begin with participation in web-based patient support forums, which may also be especially useful in rural areas.
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, who publicly announced his prostate cancer diagnosis, was invited to attend a local Scranton prostate cancer support group. The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Chicago (PCFC) commends Governor Wolf for drawing attention to prostate cancer and the need for screening.
The PCFC would like to extend a similar invitation to all area men diagnosed with prostate cancer, their spouses, and caregivers who seek additional information about treatment options, or anyone interested in prostate cancer, to attend a meeting of PCFC Prostate Cancer Support Group.
All are welcome to benefit from discussions, sharing, and learning at PCFC Prostate Cancer Support Group meetings, held the first Wednesday of each month.
As one advocate of traditional support groups—a participant in Scranton’s Man to Man prostate cancer support group—stated, “Every time you walk away, you’re going to learn something, you’re going to share something with somebody, and if you can help one person, that’s I think the best thing that we can do.”
Many of PCFC’s long-time Patient Support Group members echo this outlook, and share they would not miss a meeting for the chance to give back to other men facing prostate cancer.